As a former member of the House of Representatives, Ed has provided leadership in prioritizing state spending to fund much needed traffic relief and giving local governments more options to fund traffic relief at the local level.
In 2009, Ed cast one of the deciding votes in the passage of Senate Bill 200, a bill that created the role of statewide Planning Director to prioritize mobility projects based on empirical data and statewide needs, ending decades of project planning that pitted one region of the state against another. This change also helped reduce the average project delivery timeline for Georgia DOT roadway projects from four years to three years.
Ed’s support for consumer-friendly, public-private partnerships helped create the toll-funded reversable lanes that now provide citizens a 65-mph drive from Acworth to I-285 and congestion-free Express Bus service from Acworth to downtown Atlanta.
Ed supported the passage of House Bill 194, a thoughtful tax incentive to reduce traffic congestion by promoting tele-working. This bill allows businesses to write off up to $1200 from their annual tax bill for the cost of providing automation and equipment for employees to work five or more days per month from their homes. Not only does this bill ease the financial strain on families, but it provides businesses financial incentives to keep cars off the road to ease rush hour traffic.
© Ed Setzler for State Senate Committee 2022, All Rights Reserved